Readers’ Theatre Auditions: Pound


Come release your ‘dramatic chops’, your inner genius, inner avenger, inner fears and hopes – try out for this ensemble cast of four

Sunday, April 28th from 2-5 pm.

Auditions will be from cold readings (script asides will be provided)


Playwright Sean O’Leary has given us dramatic proof that WORDS MATTER: They have the power to hurt, to heal – to create beliefs, and to destroy those beliefs. The words of Poet Ezra Pound made him a rock star before there was rock, a media sensation when the media was newspapers and radios. Pound was a literary lion.

But he was also ferocious anti-Semite, charged with treason during WWII for supporting fascism. Found mentally incompetent in lieu of a very public criminal trial that the US government would find embarrassing, he spent 12 years at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.

As the play begins in 1958, 73-year-old Pound has settled into a comfortable role as ‘elder statesman ‘ on the ward, but now faces the terrifying prospect of being released back into the world. Help arrives in Ann Polley, a young psychiatrist who aspires to help the man who has been labeled “incurable.” But her words may also help or hurt, create, or destroy.


As with most Readers’ Theatre readings, we will keep the number of rehearsals small (2-3 leading up to run through on the day of performance – May 26th, focusing on developing your character as you don’t have to memorize lines or blocking.

“I want to spend a lot more time on blocking”

— No actor, ever!

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